Poster and application for short presentation

Different substrate-dependent transition states in the active site of the ribosome

Stephan Kuhlenkötter, Wolfgang Wintermeyer, Marina V. Rodnina


The active site of the ribosome, the peptidyl transferase center, catalyzes two reactions, peptide bond formation between peptidyl-tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA as well as the release factor (RF)-dependent hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA. The 2′-OH group of A76 of the P-site tRNA substrate seems to play a key role (Brunelle et al., 2008), possibly by taking part in a concerted proton shuttle mechanism for the protonation of the leaving group, in analogy with current models of peptide bond formation (Trobro and Aqvist, 2009; Wallin and Aqvist, 2010). Here we report the kinetic solvent isotope effects and the proton inventories of the two reactions. The transition state of the RF2-dependent hydrolysis reaction is characterized by the rate-limiting formation of a single strong hydrogen bond that involves the hydrolytic water molecule. This finding argues against a concerted proton shuttle in the transition state of the hydrolysis reaction. In comparison, the proton inventory for peptide bond formation indicates the rate-limiting formation of three hydrogen bonds with about equal contributions, consistent with a concerted eight-membered proton shuttle in the transition state. Thus, the ribosome supports different rate-limiting transition states for the two reactions that take place in the peptidyl transferase center.


Brunelle, J.L., Shaw, J.J., Youngman, E.M., and Green, R. (2008). RNA 14, 1526-1531.

Trobro, S., and Aqvist, J. (2009). Biochemistry 48, 11296-11303.

Wallin, G., and Aqvist, J. (2010). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107, 1888-1893.

DOI®: 10.3288/contoo.paper.1561