Invited Speaker

From pockets to ligands and back again: Designing bioactive compounds

Gisbert Schneider


The architecture and properties of protein pockets defines the diversity of their functions and the way individual compounds affect biological systems. Computer-assisted drug design relies on a profound understanding of the structural relationships between ligand-binding pockets. We will present innovative methods for the detection, representation and comparison of protein surface cavities, which were applied to ligand discovery and prediction of bioactivity. As a complementary concept, we will discuss ligand-based virtual screening techniques that work on the molecular graph and so-called “pseudo-receptors”, which can be used to generate idealized models of ligand-binding cavities. Applications of these methods will be presented in the context of molecular de novo design for pharmaceutically relevant drug targets.

Ligand-binding pocket with "pocket graph


Geppert, T., Hoy, B., Wessler, S. and Schneider, G. Context-based identification of protein-protein interfaces and “hot-spot” residues. Chem. Biol., 2011, 18, 344-353.

Hartenfeller, M., Schneider, G. De novo drug design. Methods Mol. Biol., 2011, 672, 299-323.

Reisen, F., Weisel, M., Kriegl, J. M., Schneider, G. Self-organizing fuzzy graphs for structure-based comparison of protein pockets. J. Proteome Res., 2010, 9, 6498-6510.

Weisel, M., Kriegl, J. M., Schneider, G. Architectural repertoire of ligand binding pockets on protein surfaces. ChemBioChem, 2010, 11, 556-563.

Klenner, A., Hartenfeller, M., Schneider, P., Schneider, G. 'Fuzziness' in pharmacophore-based virtual screening and de novo design. Drug Discov. Today Technol., 2010, 7, e237-e244.

DOI®: 10.3288/contoo.paper.1646